Ashtanga Yoga Practice for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

Ashtanga yoga is one of the best ways for beginners to test their physical and mental strength while discovering the world of yoga. It follows a set sequence of poses that practitioners can modify according to their physical needs in order to keep their minds as well as bodies healthy and strong.  

A lot of people are not aware of what exactly ashtanga yoga is, what it comprises, how beneficial it can be for overall health, and where they can learn it. That’s why we have decided to help out! In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala - the best yoga ashram in Rishikesh - will tell you everything you need to about ashtanga yoga for beginners. 

Let’s understand the meaning of ashtanga yoga first. 

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a subset of Hatha yoga that synchronizes body movement and breath into a sequence of asanas. Created by T. Krishnamacharya and popularized throughout the world by K. Pattabhi Jois, it is a vitalizing and athletic form of yoga that also promotes mental clarity and inner peace. 

The word Asthanga comprises two Sanskrit words - Astha and Anga. Ashta means number eight. Anga, on the other hand, means limb or body part. When put together, these words symbolize the unification of the 8 limbs of yoga into a complete, holistic system. 

What are the 8 Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga?

Beginners who want to improve health and reach oneness of body and mind through Ashtanga yoga need to understand and practice eight yoga limbs. 

Here are details behind each of the limbs of Asthanga yoga: 

  • Yama: Yama refers to moral, ethical, and spiritual disciplines or approaches that are majorly involved with the world around us and our inclusion in it. Broken into 5 guidelines - Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha, and Bramhachayra - it can help beginners attain balance, health, and well-being, leading to spiritual development.  

  • Niyama: The second limb of Ashtanga yoga for beginners is all about self-discipline. Niyamas are positive guidelines and rules for how practitioners should treat themselves and how to develop and improve personal qualities. Shaucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Ishvara Pranidhana are guidelines to further refine yourself as a person. 

  • Asana: As the name suggests, Asanas are movements and poses performed to prepare the mind for meditation. People often mistake it for yoga itself. However, the truth is that Asana is just a piece of the yogic puzzle. 

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  • Pranayama: The fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga is called Pranayama. In Sanskrit, Prana means energy and Yama means control. Put simply, pranayama is the practice of breath regulation. It encourages peacefulness, relaxation, and aids in meditation.   

  • Pratyahara: Pratyahara is all about shifting your focus away from external chaos. Practicing this limb of Ashtanga yoga will help you in becoming aware of your internal environment. 

  • Dharana: To focus properly, one needs to withdraw all senses to put attention on point of concentration. To draw senses in, he must focus and concentrate assiduously. Dharana can help you with that. It makes it easy to hold one thought with deep focus and concentration. 

  • Dhyana: The most difficult limb to master, Dhyana enables practitioners to flow with awareness of their focal point and allows them to contemplate the focus without attachment or judgment. 

  • Samadhi: The final limb of ashtanga yoga helps beginners achieve ultimate bliss. Samadhi helps them form a deep and everlasting relationship with the divine source which was always present. It is a stage of enlightenment, the primary goal of your ashtanga yoga practice. 

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What are Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners? 

Ashtanga yoga can help beginners create a routine of self-discipline and push them beyond their limits and into a pace of mental perseverance. And that’s not it! There are a plethora of physical and mental benefits associated with this form of yoga. 

Here are some of them: 

#1 Improves well-being

We all live in a world with a fast-paced lifestyle and stressful work life. Ashtanga yoga makes it easy for beginners to enter a meditative state easily and get rid of stress and anxiety. It can fortify mental faculties and improve overall well-being. Don’t believe us? 

A 2017 study conducted by Springer Link found that men and women who practiced Ashtanga twice a week for nine weeks saw improvement in their self-esteem. They were also able to manage depression and anxiety symptoms better. 

#2 Enhances flexibility 

Got an inflexible body and looking forward to fixing it? No problem! Ashtanga yoga can help with that. Practicing it regularly will lengthen and stretch your muscles and help you prevent injuries back pain and balance problems. Ashtanga yoga can also put the body in good posture.  

#3 Improves cardiovascular health

High cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar are all major aspects that pose threat to your cardiovascular health and boost your chances for heart disease. Ashtanga yoga, like any other form of yoga, can help control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels by refining your metabolism. It can reduce blood pressure by improving artery relaxation. 

#4 Weight management 

Another major benefit of Ashtanga yoga for beginners! Since this form of yoga is active and intense, it can make men and women sweat a lot. Performing it on daily basis can lead to less fat in the arms and stomach area and help you become leaner. Ashtanga yoga will help you curb emotional eating habits which are also crucial for weight management. 

Which is the Best Program to Learn Ashtanga Yoga? 

Ekattva Yogshala’s 200 hours yoga teacher training program is the best way for beginners for in-depth study of Ashtanga yoga. Under the professional guidance of highly skilled and well-experienced yoga teachers, you will learn all the theoretical and practical aspects of this yoga form. 

Apart from eight limbs, the 200 hours YTT program also involves understanding the chakra system, core postures, ancient yoga stories, asanas, yoga theory, anatomy, teaching practice, and much more. Yoga alliance approved, the course is spread over 3 week-long sessions and is conducted in Rishikesh - the yoga capital of the world. 

Learn more about our 200 hours yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners: End Note

There you go! 

We told beginners everything about Ashtanga yoga. 

As you witnessed above, Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic form of yoga with set series of poses, breathing, and focal points. Although it demands a high level of strength and is a bit more difficult than other yoga types, the rewards beginners will get in the end are going to be phenomenal and totally worth it! 

Got any queries to ask? Send them to and have them answered by our yoga experts. 

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